
Relocation & sponsorship

About Relocation & Sponsorship

When specialised skills or expertise are not readily available in Australia, we offer relocation and sponsorship solutions to help you access overseas candidates and bridge the talent gap. As an accredited sponsor, we can provide appropriate visas and facilitate a path to permanent residency for qualified candidates.

Sponsoring overseas candidates

Our accreditation as a sponsor enables us to assist you in sourcing and bringing overseas candidates to Australia. We understand that certain roles, such as product Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) or niche technical skills, may be scarce in the local talent market. In such cases, we leverage our network and expertise to identify and engage highly qualified professionals from around the world.

Appropriate visas and permanent residency

The Aquarium AQPS is equipped to handle the necessary visa processes for sponsored candidates. We work closely with immigration agents to secure the appropriate visas that align with your requirements and the candidate's qualifications. Additionally, we provide support and guidance throughout the entire immigration process, ensuring compliance with regulations and facilitate a smooth transition for the candidates and your organisation.

What are the benefits?

UK talent partnership

We have an active partnership with Work in Australia, which provides us rapid access to UK-based talent.

Global talent

We have extensive networks in Europe, India, the US and the Philippines, enabling us to source, engage and bring onshore the right talent for your needs.

Visa experts

Our immigration experts keep abreast of all the changes in visa regulations and processes so that you don't have to!

Want to learn more?